What is Information Security & Why Is It Important?

Information security is the practice of keeping your business’s data secure. It includes making sure only those with permission can access it, and, similarly, it protects against unauthorized viewing, use, modifications or destruction of data. 

Many businesses keep a great deal of information, from confidential client and customer data to business processes and more. Keeping this data protected and secure is imperative to product against things like online theft of personal information and trade secrets as well as loss of profits. Information security works to keep data confidential, maintain the integrity of the data (ensuring it can’t be changed unless by an authorized user), and keep the data available to all who have permission to access it. 

Top information security threats include malware, phishing, cyber attacks, ransomware and cloud vulnerability. Our certified engineers at Think Technologies provide you with a wide range of network security measures, including the following:

Intruder Tracking

Protection from threats like hackers and online predators.

Risk Management

Zeroing in on your system’s weak points, and repairing them.

Spam and Virus Control

Providing safeguards from malware (software designed to harm your system) and ransomware (software that takes control of your device and only returns it to you after paying a ransom). 

Secure User Access

Data encryption solutions, virtual private networks, and password policies that remove the risk of human error.

Take our Free Network Assessment to receive a free, no-risk comprehensive report that identifies network threats, risk analyses and reviews your current security posture. After receiving the assessment, we’d love to chat! We can work with you to ensure property security controls are integrated into your technology systems to keep your data integrity, confidentiality and availability.