All About Onsite and Offsite Data Backup
The importance of backing up crucial company data can’t be overstated. Companies worldwide understand that there’s always a possibility of a computer system malfunctioning and wiping out precious data.
Why Managed IT Services Is Crucial For Streamlined Vendor Management
Small-sized businesses with an in-house IT department usually spend a considerable amount of time on managing vendors.
Are autocomplete passwords safe?
Advertisements and suggestions based on our internet browsing habits are sources of online tracking. However, autocomplete passwords are also another source of online tracking. This sneaky tactic comes with serious security risks. Here’s how you can stop it from targeting you. Why auto-fill passwords are so dangerous As of December 2018, there are 4.1 billion […]
Virtualization is different from the cloud
Virtualization and cloud computing can be confusing, especially to business owners who are not familiar with them. But when you understand their differences, you’ll be able to best take advantage of these technologies. Virtualization Imagine a company with five servers, each assigned a single task such as storage, email, etc. If there were a spike […]
Why Do Businesses Need SaaS Application Integration?
The term Software as a Service (SaaS) refers to software that’s managed, retained, and delivered by a professional, third-party service provider. A SaaS provider delivers software that’s based on codes and common data classifications.
Avoid These Common IT Management Mistakes
We all make mistakes. Some harmless, some that can potentially tank our careers. Like it or not, errors and oversights are an inevitable part of running businesses.
Scammers deriving new ways to scam via VoIP
Tips on how to best use G Suite
Why the Internal IT Guy Is Becoming a Thing of the Past
If you have working in the corporate world or the business side of any other industry, one of the things you may have noticed is how IT has taken over. According to the Forbes magazine, IT is moving from a secondary to a primary role with regard to any and all business functions.